otherness-logoOTHERNESS- a brand new project- promotes the idea that every individual is unique, equally worthy and has the right to live according to their beliefs, customs, practices and established behavior rules.

otherness-web-300x225The project is coordinated by the Bulgarian foundation Prosveta-Sofia, and involves 3 partners: AENAO- Center of non-formal education (Greece), Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci (Italy) and Polytechnic Institute of Santarém (Portugal).

Schooling could play a key role in developing positive behaviors towards human differences. The project aims to support students in pre- adolescent and adolescent age (12-15 years old) to be open-minded, to understand and value diversity, to know and respect human rights and to be actively involved in community life. To do so, teachers will be supported with training tools, including a manual that will collect non-formal activities and digital resources to educate students to diversity, human rights, intercultural dialogue and active citizenship.

logoNine teachers per country will be trained for the transfer of these resources in their classes during the next school year 2016/2017.

The first project meeting (KOF) was held during 29-30/10/2015 in Sofia-Bulgaria, in order to give the official start to the project, to establish together some organizational and methodological aspects and to agree on the next steps.
In the coming weeks, in each of the four partner countries, three schools will be selected: there, in three classes per school, a questionnaire will be given to assess the level of acceptance of diversity between students. Then, a research will be carried out to understand how the issue of diversity and human rights is embedded in the school materials and training resources for teachers. Based on these data the training tools will be elaborated and tested with the teachers in order to educate their students to be active European citizens, aware, respectful, ready to welcome and understand the otherness.

The partners will meet again next February 2016 in Thessaloniki- Greece, to discuss the results of the preliminary phase – students’ survey and desk research – and on the basis of these, to determine how to set up the elaboration of the outputs of the project – training manual and digital tool.

The project will have the duration of three years (2015-2018) and is funded by the Erasmus+, Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnership for School Education.

logo-smallFor more information about the project, please contact Natassa TimologouCSC_logo (1)IPS logoprosveta-sofia logo

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