OTHERNESS: Promoting responsible citizenship through education

Could teachers sensitize students to overcome prejudices and promote cultural differencesintercultural dialogue and active citizenship?

On the 4th June, the partners from Italy, Greece, Bulgaria and Portugal have met in Palermo (Italy) for their 4th transnational and final meeting.

The meeting has been hosted by the Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci”. In this special occasion, partners have been engaged in a full day of activities in which they have shared their feedbacks on the results of the project, reviewing the researches carried out at national level and planning the next final steps to be taken for the project.

A project (OTHERNESS – financed by Erasmus+ Key Activity 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Strategic Partnerships for school education) which aims at educating students to show tolerance, express and understand different viewpoints, negotiate with the ability to create confidence and feel empathy; which partnership holds together 4 organisations:


During the event, partners have discussed about the activities carried out by the teachers with the students, the training programmes, the workshops and the opinion polls.

Now that the project is close to an end it is important to exploit its results at the fullest, trying to reach the widest audience in order to have a real impact in our society. For this reason, there will be a wide dissemination process which implies the promotion of otherness outputs, involving teachers, students, schools and representatives of the society.

Additionally, the resources produced, such as the Manual of OTHERNESS, will be available on the website othernessproject.eu under the sections “Resources” in English, Italian, Bulgarian, Greek and Portuguese version.

For further information, you can follow us on Facebook or check the latest news on the webpage of the project.

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